Hodge Podge Radio



Sometimes we need a wacky, crazy, uncensored view of the world! Hodge Podge Radio is just that! We cover current events and hot topics with a spicy new twist!E-mail: hodgepodgeradio@gmail.comAIM, SKYPE, TWITTER: hodgepodgeradio


  • Sexuality 3 (Episode 11)

    13/05/2010 Duração: 57min

    The conversation continues in the final chapter of our SEX series!Tonight we answer your questions and talk more sex!This, current events, and whatever happens to come out of Jeff's mouth at 8:30 PM PST!

  • Sexuality 2 (episode 10)

    06/05/2010 Duração: 59min

    Continuing our talk on SEX!There were questions we didn't get to last time but never fear, Jeff is here!We'll update our current events, relieve our sexual tension, and see what happens to come out of Jeff's mouth tonight!NEW TIME: 8:30 PM

  • Sexuality! (episode 9)

    22/04/2010 Duração: 45min

    What is this about Men being from Mars and Women from Venus?Are men really more sexual than women?Are woman not visual people too?Straight? Bi? Gay? Who cares?We're talking about it all tonight!That, current events, and whatever comes out of Jeff's mouth!

  • You turned 18! Now what? (Episode 8)

    06/04/2010 Duração: 47min

    Jeff Holmes is BACK from vacation with a great new episode!Turning 18 years old is a major accomplishment! Most people are probably surprised you even lived that long...but what comes next? Find out some stuff you might not know, ask questions, and have a good ol' time!That, current events, and whatever happens to come out of Jeff's mouth...complete with classic crazy hodgepodgeness!

  • American Vanity, The Teenage Body (Episode 7)

    01/04/2010 Duração: 57min

    WE RAN INTO SERIOUS TECHNICAL ISSUES AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS EPISODE! PLEASE FAST FORWARD UNTIL YOU HEAR THE HOST TALKING!Guest Host: Carina S.Today, thanks to magazines and celebrities, teens feel they're expected to be skinny or buff and look perfect 24/7!Today we're going to talk about what REALLY MATTERS, how to keep your body healthy AND looking good!

  • Over-Parental Parents (Episode 6)

    30/03/2010 Duração: 59min

    Guest Host: Justin D.Everyone has problems with their parents.Tonight we're talking about how to deal with different parental issues!That, current events, and whatever happens to come out of Jeff's mouth!

  • The Advice Hour (Episode 5)

    25/03/2010 Duração: 59min

    Jeff and the listeners of Hodge Podge Radio help answer your questions!Jeff had allergies and therefore a very loose tongue :). Questions included "To Breakup or to Not Breakup" and "How to tell a guy you're not interested."This, current events, and whatever comes out of Jeff's mouth every Monday and Wednesday at 8 PM PST!

  • College "Need-To-Know" (Episode 4)

    23/03/2010 Duração: 59min

    Tonight we discussed WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR COLLEGE, touched on a few current events, argued that Jeff can't get women, and more!That, current events, and whatever happens to come out of Jeff's mouth.

  • Special Saint Patricks Mini-Episode (episode 3)

    18/03/2010 Duração: 50min

    A special mini-episode for Saint Patrick's Day!Our guest host was 30 minutes late so enjoy a random plethora out of Jeff's mouth including Reality TV Shows, American Idol, and some random history :)THEN,Enjoy a history of Saint Patrick's Day and some excellent accents.Guest Co-Host: Carina S.

  • Perfume, Proms, and School (episode 2)

    17/03/2010 Duração: 01h08s

    GUEST CO-HOST: CARINA S.Today we are continuing our Prom discussion and talking about different ways to ask people to prom and HOW TO TELL SOMEONE NO GRACEFULLY!Top News Story: Detroit City Workers told NOT to wear perfumes! We'll discuss the issue :).We will also be talking about social comparisons to home schooling and public schooling.This and whatever comes out of Jeff's mouth at 8 PM every Monday and Wednesday Night, Pacific Standard Time!

  • Hodge Podge Pilot

    16/03/2010 Duração: 59min

    The first Hodge Podge Episode!We discussed Toyota, Prom Stories, and other random stuff!Join Us!